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Frequently asked questions

Botox & Injections

What is Baby ‘Tox or “just a sprinkle”

Great for first timers or those with mild to moderate wrinkles.  If the baby dose is not enough to see improvement at first you will be invited back at 2 weeks for up to the full dose.

How much Tox will I need and how long will it last?

 Depends!  There are recommended dosing and duration, but everyone is different.  Depending on the degree of wrinkle damage, strength of muscle, use of vibrating facial device, strenuous workouts, etc.  All of these factors affect how much you might need and how long it will last.


Microneedling & PRP

What is microneedling?

Microchannels are made in the skin to cause the production of collagen, smooth fine lines in the skin and reduce the appearance of scars.

How many treatments Are needed for Microneedling?

Recommended 3-4 (up to 6 for acne scars and stretch marks) initial treatments and then 1-3 annual maintenance treatments.   Treatments 4-6 weeks apart

What is PRP?

Injections of your own plasma to heal the skin. Once platelets are in the area that’s being treated, they break down and release growth factors, which are compounds that help cells repair and renew. This is thought to trigger your body’s healing process. Great for repairing skin and preventing wrinkles.



What’s a wrinkle?

Damage to skin from natural muscles folding or creasing the skin over time. The skin gets thinner and less elastic.  They will increase with sun exposure, smoking, alcohol consumption, dehydration, medications, genetics and environmental factors. 


With a consistent treatment plan with tox, skin care, microneedling, it’s possible to eliminate some wrinkles but definitely slow to stop them from forming. 

Where are you located?

Natural Beauty Aesthetics is located in the Salon Suites on Main.  You will find the building tucked among the courtyard next to Sel restaurant.  When you enter the building make a left, right at next hall and my office is on the end to the right,  If my door is closed, please help yourself to the waiting room at the opposite end of the hallway.

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